C Programming : Declarations and Initializations – General Questions


6. By default, a real number is treated as a

A. float
B. double
C. long double
D. far double
Answer: Option B ExplanationIn computing, ‘real number’ often refers to non-complex floating-point numbers. It includes both rational numbers, such as 42 and 3/4, and irrational numbers such as pi = 3.14159265… When the accuracy of the floating-point number is insufficient, we can use the double to define the number. The double is the same as float but with longer precision and takes double space (8 bytes) than float. To extend the precision further we can use long double which occupies 10 bytes of memory space.
7. Which of the following is not a user-defined data type?
1 : struct book
char name[10];
float price;
int pages;
2 : long int l = 2.35;
3 : enum day {Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed};
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. Both 1 and 2
 Answer: Option 


8. Is the following statement a declaration or definition?
extern int I;
A. Declaration
B. Definition
C. Function
D. Error
Answer: Option Explanation: Declaring is the way a programmer tells the compiler to expect a particular type, be it a variable, class/struct/union type, a function type (prototype) or a particular object instance. (ie. extern int i)


9. Identify which of the following are declarations
1: extern int x;
2: float square ( float x ) { … }
3: double pow(double, double);
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1 and 3
Answer: Option Explanationextern int x; – is an external variable declaration.  double pow(double, double); – is a function prototype declaration. Therefore, 1 and 3 are declarations. 2 is the definition.


10. In the following program where is the variable a getting defined and where it is getting declared?
int main()
    extern int a;
    printf("%d\n", a);
    return 0;
int a=20;

A. extern int a is a declaration, int a = 20 is the definition

B. int a = 20 is a declaration, extern int a is the definition

C. int a = 20 is the definition, a is not defined

D. a is declared, a is not defined

Answer: Option Explanation: – During declaration, we tell the datatype of the Variable. – During the definition, the value is initialized.