C Programming : Declarations and Initializations

11. In the following program how long will the for loop get executed?
int main()
int i=5;
for(;scanf("%s", &i); printf("%d\n", i));
return 0;
A. The for loop would not get executed at all
B. The for loop would get executed only once
C. The for loop would get executed 5 times
D. The for loop would get executed infinite times
Answer: Option D 
12. What will be the output of the program? 
int main()
int X=40;
int X=20;
printf("%d ", X);
printf("%d\n", X);
return 0;
A. 40 40
B. 20 40
C. 20
D. Error
Answer: Option B Explanation: In case of a conflict between a local variable and global variable, the local variable gets priority. 


TAGS: C Programming: Declarations and Initializations » Find Output of Program, C Programming, Declarations, and Initializations, Find Output of Program, c programming basics, c programming language, c programming patterns, c programming tutorial, c programming example, c programming pdf, for c programming example, c programming questions, c programming questions, and answer


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