Chennai Property Tax 2022-23: Chennai Municipal Corporation House Tax Online Payment

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Chennai Property Tax 2022-23: Chennai Municipal Corporation House Tax Online Payment

Chennai Property Tax 2022-23:- Property owners in Chennai are required to pay the Chennai Municipal Corporation (Chennai Corporation) a yearly House Tax. This tax is referred to as the Chennai Corporation Property Tax Payment Guide. The property tax that is collected by the municipality is used to pay for essential services and facilities for the community.

The Property Tax assessment and collection procedures have been made simpler and more transparent by the Chennai Municipal Corporation. It gave the Chennai Corporation the authority to limit the rate at which the House Tax goes up and down and made it possible for people to self-assess their Property Tax.

Chennai Municipal Corporation

The Chennai Enterprise (Chennai Civil Organization) is one of the well known Companies in Tamil Nadu State. Learn how to pay all municipal corporation taxes in this article. Property tax, house tax, parking tax, and others are other types of taxes.

Chennai Corporation Content
Property Tax/House Tax Summary
Chennai Municipal Corporation
Name of Municipal Corporation
Chennai Corporation
Short Name
426 km²
Area Square Kilometers
Official Website
City Name/Location
70.9 lakhs
Total Population
Tamil Nadu
Name of the State
Contact No. of Chennai Corporation
There are 70.9 lakh people living in Chennai, so everyone needs to get out of there quickly. As a result, the government will levy additional fees after the due date, forcing them to pay taxes annually.
Visit Chennai Corporation Website

Chennai Corporation Property Tax

Chennai Property Tax 2022-23:- The people of Chennai now have access to both online and offline services. In any case, we are suggested you make the installment of a wide range of duties on the web, if accessible. We are additionally giving the clear move toward pay on the web.

The Chennai Municipal Corporation covers an area of approximately 426 km2 square kilometers. Which gigantic region in Tamil Nadu State. However, you can pay your House Tax online by completing the next step.

Chennai Corporation Tax Calculator

This page contains a link to the Chennai Municipal Corporation’s property tax calculator online. Taxpayers can use the link to calculate their taxes online. However, you can find out how the Chennai Municipal Corporation determines the House Tax in this article. The interest rate on property taxes typically ranges from 5% to 20%.
A few states likewise charge no extra late installment expenses. You must get in touch with officials at Chennai Corporation to find out the property rate or the interest rate on the late payment. The official website of Chennai Municipal Corporation contains contact information.
Tax Calculator
Because a property tax is not the same across the entire nation, it varies between states, cities, and locations. In this way, other assessment gathering bodies have shifting ways of deciding the House Duty. Nonetheless, a common principle with respect to the estimation of a Chennai Civil Partnership local charge depends on the accompanying equation.

Chennai Corporation Property tax/House Tax Formula

Chennai Corporation Property tax = built-up area × Age factor × base value × type of building × category of use × floor factor.

Consequently, the Chennai Municipal Corporation Property Tax is calculated using factors like the land’s base value; factors affecting occupancy, whether owned or rented; property type, whether private or business; the construction year or the age of the Chennai Corporation property; development type, whether multi-amazed or single floor, and so forth.
In view of these elements, one can work out the Chennai Metropolitan Company local charge the person will undoubtedly pay; Taxpayers can figure out how much tax they owe by using the online Chennai Corporation House Tax calculators on the online portal for municipal corporations.
The Chennai Municipal Corporation’s official website is The entryway offers a web-based installment choice to its clients. By visiting the residents can settle local charge, House Assessment, Proficient Expense, and so on.

Chennai Water Bill

Water is the need of life, and it is vital for take care of Chennai Water Bill before the due date. The Chennai water bill installment choice is accessible on the authority gateway. To make an online payment for the Water Tax that you owe, follow the link provided below.
Chennai Water Bill
After property tax, the Chennai government gets a lot of money from the water bill. Along these lines pay your water charge quickly. You can pay your water bill by going to the official Chennai water bill website.
How to Make a payment online for the Property Tax of Chennai Corporation?
  • You must visit as the first step.
  • The Property Tax Online Payment link should then be found and clicked on.
  • Make payment and enter the required information.
  • Accordingly, You can pick a strategy like UPI/Netbanking or NEFT/Pixies, accessible around then.
  • Contact the official if you have any inquiries regarding the Chennai Corporation Property Tax and House Tax.

Chennai Corporation Property Tax FAQs

What is the finished type of Chennai Organization?
The total type of Chennai Enterprise is Chennai Metropolitan Company.
How many people live in Chennai all together?
According to Wikipedia, the population of Chennai is 70.9 lakh.
What is the name of Chennai Corporation’s official website?
The Chennai Municipal Corporation’s official website can be found at
How Do I Check the Status of My Property Tax Payment to Chennai Corporation?
The official portal provides access to the property tax and house tax payment status for Chennai Municipal Corporation. You must enter the details of your property on the website to check the status of the Chennai Corporation’s tax payment.
How to download the Chennai Organization House Expense installment receipt?
You will receive a receipt from the official page once you have paid your house tax to the Chennai Municipal Corporation. Only the official Chennai Corporation website allows for the download of the property tax receipt.

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