Facts of Vande Mataram : Republic Day 2021 National Song


 Facts of Vande Mataram: Republic Day 2021(The National Song of India)

Republic Day 2021: Vande Mataram’ is the public melody of India. It was composed by Mr. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay to commend Mother India on seventh November 1875, and was distributed in a Bengali fiction novel ‘Anandmath’. Allow us to peruse some significant realities about the National Song of India ‘Vande Mataram‘. 

Vande Mataram’ Meaning: 

Gkduniya.in, Vande Mataram' Meaning
Gkduniya.in, Vande Mataram’ Meaning


The title ‘Vande Mataram or Bande Mataram‘ signifies “I acclaim you, Mother” or “I commendation to you, Mother“.
The expression “Mataram (माताराम)” in the primary line implies the homeland of India or the Bangamata (Mother Bengal) and Bharat Mata (Mother India)
Birth of a Nation: Looking Back at India's First Republic Day, Gkduniya.in

Birth of a Nation: Looking Back at India’s First Republic Day, Gkduniya.in

Realities at a Glance: 

1. Vande Matram is the public melody of India, which was made by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, initially in Sanskrit and Bengali. 
2. He composed Vande Mataram at Chinsurah, close to the stream Hooghly (close to Mallik Ghat)
3. It is accepted that the idea of Vande Mataram clicked to Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay when he was filling in as an administration official (a District Collector), around 1876
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Gkduniya.in, vande-mataram-lyrics-bankim-chandra-chattopadhyay

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4. Jadunath Bhattacharya was approached to set a tune for this sonnet soon after it was composed 
5. It was received on January 24, 1950, by giving it equivalent status public song of devotion Jana Gana Mana. 
6. It is taken from the novel Anand Math distributed in 1882. 
7. It was sung interestingly at the congress meeting at Calcutta in 1896
8. It is shaped by the decree of Mother Land. It assumed an imperative part in Indian freedom development. 
9. The first Vande Mataram contains 6 refrains. 
10. It was deciphered in writing by Shri Aurobindo in Karmayogin on 20 November 1909.

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Tags:- Vande Mataram, Republic Day, Republic Day 2021, The National Song of India, Mr. Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, Bengali fiction novel, Anandmath, National Song, National Song of India, National Song of India Vande Mataram, Vande Mataram’ Meaning, Bande Mataram, Mataram, Bharat Mata, Mother India