INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION Important cities (Ancient India)

INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION, Other State Exams, History, JPSC, MPSC, Haryana PCS, UKPSC, CGPSC, ancient india, ancient india arts, the caste system of ancient india, art in ancient india, ancient india religion, ancient india religions, ancient india caste system, indian history, timeline of indian history, 
INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION, Other State Exams, History, JPSC, MPSC, Haryana PCS, UKPSC, CGPSC, ancient india, ancient india arts, the caste system of ancient india, art in ancient india, ancient india religion, ancient india religions, ancient india caste system, indian history, timeline of indian history, 

Ancient India


History is a key scoring zone of the General Studies or General Knowledge Papers in serious Exams. There are 5-10 inquiries are posed in the General Knowledge paper from History in different government tests like UPSC, State PSC, SSC, CDS, and Other State Exams. The majority of the understudies discover trouble in recollecting current realities and different occasions ever. For the successful readiness, we are offering you to History Short Notes PDF in Hindi and English which will help your planning.



History Short Notes

History Short Notes PDF incorporates following:

Important cities

City Archaeological Importance River
Archaeological Importance A row of 6 Granaries, Mother goddess figurines Ravi
Mohenjodaro Great Granary, Great bath, Image of Pashupati Mahadeva, Image of Bearded man
and Bronze image of a woman dancer
Lothal Port city, Double burial, Terracotta horse figurines. Bhogava
Chanhudaro City without a citadel Indus
Dholavira City divided into 3 parts. Indus
Kalibangan Ghaggar

1. Buddhism

Gautama Buddha and Buddhism (563 BC- 483 BC)
Important events in the life of Buddha

Events Places SymbolsJanma
Janma Lumbini Lotus and Bull
Mahabhinishkramana Horse
Nirvana Bodh gaya Bodhi Tree
Dharmachakra Pravartana Sarnath Wheel
Mahaparinirvana Kusinagar Stupa

• Madhya Marga – to avoid the excess of both luxury and austerity
• Triratnas – Buddha, Dharma and Sangha

2. Buddhist Councils

Buddhist Councils
Buddhist Councils



3. Jainism

Mahavira (599 BC- 527 BC)

  • Five vows of Jainism

• Ahimsa – non-violence
• Satya – do not speak a lie
• Asteya – do not steal
• Aparigraha – do not acquire property
• Brahmacharya – celibacy

  • Three main principles

• Ahimsa
• Anekantavada
• Aparigraha
Triratnas of Jainism
• Right faith – Samayak Shradha
• Right Knowledge – Samayak Jnan
• Right Conduct – Samayak karma
• Shwetambars – Sthulabhadra – People who put on white robes.
• Digambars – Bhadrabahu – They have a naked attire

4. Vedic Literature

1. The Rig Veda

• Collection of hymns
• Oldest of all vedas
• Also contains the famous Gayatri Mantra

2. Samveda

• Rhythmic compilation of hymns for Rigveda
• Book for Chants

3. The Yajur Veda

• Book of sacrificial prayers
• Rituals of yajnas

4. Atharvaveda

• Mantras for magic spells

5. Upanishads

    • Literary meaning is ‘Satra’ (to sit near masters feet) in which Guru offers band of knowledge to their
    • Satyameva Jayate is taken from “Mundaka Upanishad.”



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