Literature Question Answer of World 2023 – Part 2

Literature Question Answer part 2
Literature Question Answer part 2

Literature Question Answer of World 2023 – Part 2

Literature Question Answer of World 2023 – Part 2:- General Knowledge Question Answer on World Literature for Tests and Meetings. Remembers a bunches of GK questions, World, English, Literature, Question, Answer, General Knowledge, Gk, Objective for World Literature Question which can be useful for any Serious Tests. 

Q31. What was Samuel Langhorne Clemens’ pseudonym ?
(A) Ernest Hemingway
(B) Mark Twain 
(C) Bram Stoker
(D) Leo Tolstoy
Q32. For which book distributed in 1897, Bram Stoker is well known for ?
(A) Frankenstein
(B) Dracula
(C) The Raven 
(D) The Monk
Q33. Who is known as the dad of epic verse ?
(A) Hesiod 
(B) Ferdowsi
(C) Hesiod 
(D) Homer
Q34. From first January 2007, the number of digits that contains in ISBN (Global Standard Book Number) ?
(A) 13
(C) 10
(D) 15
Q35. The public epic of Iran ‘Shahnameh’ was composed by ?
(A) Hafez
(B) Al‑Biruni 
(C) Ferdowsi 
(D) Omar Khayyám
Q36. The number of sections that are in the Qur’an ?
(A) 67
(B) 114 
(C) 42 
(D) 98 
Q37. Which one is the main novel of Charles Dickens ?
(A) Oliver Twist
(B)  Little Dorrit 
(C) David Copperfield
(D) The Pickwick Papers
Q38. Which one is the main sci-fi novel ?
(A) Fahrenheit 451 
(B) The Time Machine
(C) Dracula 
(D) Frankenstein
Q39. Who is the writer of the book ‘The Time Machine’ ?
(A) H G Wells
(B) Ray Bradbury 
(C) Arthur C Clarke
(D) Robert Heinlein 
Q40. Which one is the main misfortune play of Shakespeare ?
(A) Titus Andronicus 
(B) Hamlet
(C) Romeo and Juliet 
(D) Julius Caesar
Q41. What is the name of the narrator of ‘1,000 and One Evenings’ ?
(A) Sultana
(B) Morgiana 
(C) Nura
(D) Scheherazade 
Q42. In which city the play of Shakespeare ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is set in ?
(A) Turin 
(B) Verona
(C) Milan 
(D) Edinburgh 
Q43. With which theater in London Shakespeare was related with ?
(A) Royal Court Theatre
(B) London Coliseum
(C) The Globe 
(D) West End Theatre 
Q44. All out number of plays composed by Shakespeare ?
(A) 38
(B) 52
(C) 14 
(D) 28 
Q45. All out number of poems composed by Shakespeare ?
(A) 154
(B) 194 
(C) 163
(D) 102 
31. Mark Twain
32. Dracula
33. Homer
34. 13
35. Ferdowsi
36. 114
37. The Pickwick Papers
38. Frankenstein
39. H G Wells
40. Titus Andronicus
41. Scheherazade
42. Verona
43. The Globe
44. 38
45. 154