What Is a Blue Moon 2023 and When Is the Next One?

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What Is a Blue Moon 2023 and When Is the Next One?

Blue Moon 2023 – On August 30/31, 2023, a Blue Moon 2023 will sparkle brilliantly in the night sky. It is a month-to-month Full Moon — the subsequent Full Moon in August. It will not turn blue, either.

What Is a Blue Moon 2023?

A blue moon can be interpreted in two different ways. A seasonal Blue Moon is the third of four Full Moons in an astronomical season. A month-to-month Blue Moon is the subsequent Full Moon in a scheduled month with two Full Moons.

Catch the Super Blue Moon in August 2023

See the Very Blue Moon on August 31, 2023. Likewise during the month: a Super Sturgeon Moon on August 1 and a Miniature New Moon on August 16.

When Is the Next Blue Moon?

  • The following month-to-month Blue Moon is on August 30/31, 2023.
  • The following occasional Blue Moon happens on August 19/20, 2024.
  • They are usually referred to as Sturgeon Moons due to the fact that they both occur in August.

Why Is It Called a Blue Moon 2023?

There is some mystery surrounding the term’s historical origins as well as its two definitions, and numerous accounts claim that an interpretation error occurred.

Some trust that the expression “blue moon” meaning something interesting may have begun from when smoke and cinders after a volcanic ejection turned the Moon blue. Others follow the term’s starting point to a long time back — folklorist Philip Hiscock has proposed that summoning the Blue Moon once implied that something was crazy and could never occur.

Origins of the Seasonal Full Moon

The now-defunct Maine Farmer’s Almanac provides the definition of a seasonal Blue Moon, which is the third Full Moon in a season with four Full Moons. The appearance of a 13th Full Moon in a year, according to the Almanac, “upset the arrangement of Church festivals.” The additional Full Moon was dubbed a Blue Moon due to the difficulty of calculating the occurrence of such a Full Moon and the unlucky nature of the number 13.

We can thank the Christian religious schedule for the justification for why the third Full Moon of the time is known as the Blue Moon. The exact dates of religious holidays like Lent and Easter are determined by the calendar by looking at the moon’s phases.

The Lenten Moon, the last winter Full Moon, occurs in the month of Lent. The Paschal Moon, also known as the first Full Moon of spring, occurs just before Easter. By naming the third moon of the season the Blue Moon, Lent, and Easter were timed to coincide with the correct phases of the Moon, and other celebrations and practices continued to take place at their “proper” times.

Origins of the Monthly Blue Moon

The misinterpretation that was initially made by amateur astronomer James Hugh Pruett (1886–1955) in a 1946 issue of Sky & Telescope magazine is the source of the more common definition of the Blue Moon, which is the second Full Moon in a month. This definition has led to its existence. The blunder took on a unique kind of energy and spread it around as truth. It even found its direction in the responses to the 1986 rendition of the tabletop game Questions and Answers! Rather than being an error, this definition is now regarded as a second interpretation of the Blue Moon.

How Rare Is a Blue Moon?

For a month-to-month Blue Moon to happen, a Full Moon should happen toward the start of the month. This is on the grounds that the time between two progressive Full Moons is roughly 29.5 days, barely shy of most months in the Gregorian Schedule.

Occasional Blue Moons occur somewhat less habitually than month-to-month Blue Moons — in the 1100 years somewhere in the range of 1550 and 2650, there are 408 occasional Blue Moons and 456 month-to-month Blue Moons. This indicates that either kind of Blue Moon takes place about once every two or three years.

Blue Moons that are blue are inconceivably interesting and have nothing to do with the schedule or the Moon’s stages yet are rather a consequence of climatic circumstances. On rare occasions, a Full Moon can take on a blue hue due to volcanic ash and smoke, water droplets in the air, or certain types of clouds.

Double Blue Moon

Therefore, there will never be a monthly Blue Moon in February, which has 29 days in a leap year and 28 days in a common year. A Black Moon occurs when there is no Full Moon in February in some years. A February with no Full Moon happens when January and Walk have a Blue Moon each.

This rare phenomenon, also known as a Double Blue Moon, occurs only three to five times per century. In the majority of time zones, we witnessed a Double Blue Moon in 2018, and it will occur again in many time zones in 2037.

Seasonal and Monthly Blue Moons Together

Occasional and month-to-month Blue Moons can likewise at times happen around the same time. Somewhere in the range of 1550 and 2650, 20 years have one occasional and one month-to-month Blue Moon in many time regions. The last time this happened was in 1934 and the in the future will be in 2048.

In a similar period, 21 years have Triple Blue Moons — one occasional and two month-to-month Blue Moons in a similar schedule year. The following is in 2143, while the last time was in 1961.

It is impossible to have two seasonal Blue Moons in the same year because doing so would necessitate 14 Full Moons.

Not the Same Worldwide

At specific times, the Moon reaches its various phases. However, due to time zones, the local time of a Full Moon can vary from place to place. For instance, on August 31, 2023, the Blue Moon occurred at 01:35 UTC. Areas in time regions that are something like 1:30 hours behind UTC, including New York City, Rio De Janeiro, and Vancouver, will see their Full Moon occur on August 30, 2023.

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