100 General Knowledge Questions And Answers 2023

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100 General Knowledge Questions And Answers, 100 Easy General Knowledge Questions And Answers, 101 general knowledge questions and answers, 60 general knowledge questions with answers, 85 Easy General Knowledge Questions And Answers, 85 Easy General Knowledge Questions And Answers 2023, Easy General Knowledge Questions And Answers 2023, easy general knowledge quiz with answers, fun quiz questions and answers, General Knowledge Questions and Answers, General Knowledge Questions And Answers 2023, general knowledge quiz with answers

100 General Knowledge Questions And Answers 2023

100 General Knowledge Questions And Answers 2023:- Therefore, today we are going to talk about 100 Easy General Knowledge Questions, friends, readers, and students. We will provide you with the responses to these straightforward questions, which we should all be familiar with.

Additionally, if you are an Indian, you should have a general understanding of similar topics. I recommend reading the entire 100 questions to learn more about India because this is fundamental information about the country. Learn fundamental general knowledge if you are Indian.

Accordingly, you ought to go down and read a portion of the reactions to the chose question that we gave. Peruse them to grow your insight on the grounds that the inquiry is extremely direct; in the event that you read it once, you will have loads of good times doing as such.

100 General Knowledge Que And Ans

Q1. Which region of the world has the most minimal temperature?
Answer: East Antarctica
Q2: East Antarctica Which Indian pinnacle is the most noteworthy?
Answer: Peak Everest. (Mount Everest.)
Q3. The second-highest peak in India?
Answer: Mount K2.
Q4. Which landmass is home to the most countries?
Answer: Africa
Q5. Which is the country with the a great many people?
Answer: China
Q6. Which land-based animal is the fastest?
Answer: Cheetah
Q7. Which Indian biosphere reserve was the first?
Answer: Nilgiri Biopshere Reserve.
Q8. Which is the principal component on the intermittent table of components?
Answer: Hydrogen.
Q9. Which Indian state is the largest?
Answer: Rajasthan.
Q10. Which of the materials on earth is the hardest?
Answer: Diamond.
Q11. The Indian national river?
Answer: Ganga.
Q12. Which continent is the hottest on Earth?
Answer: Africa
Q13. Which fruit is India’s national fruit?
Answer: Mango.
Q14. Which is the public bloom of India?
Answer: Lotus.
Q15. Which device is used to determine blood pressure?
Answer: Sphygmomanometer
Q16. Which nation is the world’s largest “Democracy”?
Answer: India
Q17. Which creature is known as the ‘Boat of the Desert”?
Answer: Camel
Q18. Which animal is the world’s largest?
Answer: Blue whale
Q19. Which bone in the human body is the largest?
Answer: Femur, Also Known As The Thighbone
Q20. Which animal is referred to as the jungle king?
Answer: Lion
Q21. What is the Indian national bird?
Answer: The Peacock
Q22. Which of these is the world’s largest continent?
Answer: Asia
Q23. Which nation is the world’s largest by area?
Answer: Russia
Q24. Who is regarded as the Indian Constitution’s Founding Father?
Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar.
Q25. Which tree is India’s emblem?
Answer: Banyan tree.

100+ Easy General Knowledge Questions And Answers 2023

Q26: Which Indian lake contains the most freshwater?
Answer: wular Lake
Q27. Which ocean is the world’s largest?
Answer: Pacific Ocean
Q28. Who is referred to as the Nation’s Father?
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi.
Q29. Which nations are isolated by the Radcliffe Line?
Answer: India and Pakistan
Q30. Which plateau in the world is the largest?
Answer: Tibetan Plateau
Q31. Which is the longest stream in India?
Answer: Ganga.
Q32. Where is the Narmada river’s source?
Answer: Amarkantak
Q33. What is the name of the fictitious line that divides India into almost two parts?
Answer: Tropic of cancer.
Q34. Which river in the world is the longest?
Answer: Nile
Q35. Which is the most well-known non-infectious illness on the planet?
Answer: Tooth Decay
Q36. Which of our organs is the most sensitive?
Answer: Skin
Q37. Which of the world’s native and non-native languages is spoken the most frequently?
Answer: English
Q38. Which native language is spoken the most worldwide?
Answer: Mandarin Chinese
Q39. Which star is the closest to Earth?
Answer: Sun
Q40. Which is the planet’s primary energy source?
Answer: The Sun
Q41. Which city is India’s capital?
Answer: New Delhi.
Q42. Which is the human body’s smallest bone?
Answer: Stapes (Ear Bone)
Q43. Which song is India’s national anthem?
Answer: Vande Mataram.
Q44. What is the Indian national sport?
Answer: Hockey
Q45. Name the Public Reptile of India?
Answer: King Cobra
Q46. Which continent in the world is the smallest?
Answer: Australia
Q47. Which is the tallest creature on the earth?
Answer: Giraffes
Q48. Which mountain in the world is tallest?
Answer: Mount Everest
Q49. Which flower is the largest in the world?
Answer: Rafflesia arnoldii
Q50. What programming language does the computer use to process data?
Answer: binary language
Q51. Which month has the fewest days of the year?
Answer: February
Q52. Which location is known as the world’s highest point?
Answer: Tibetan Plateau
Q53. Which planet is known as the Red Planet?
Answer: Mars
Q54. Which of our solar system’s planets has the coldest atmosphere?
Answer: Uranus
Q55. Which river is referred to as the “sadness of Bihar”?
Answer: The Kosi River
Q56. Which nation has adopted Sanskrit as its state language?
Answer: Uttarakhand
Q57. Which US state is the largest?
Answer: Alaska
Q58. Which nation was the first to use paper currency?
Answer: China
Q59. Which of these Indian islands in the Arabian Sea is more well-known?
Answer: Lakshadweep Islands.
Q60. Who found power?
Answer: Benjamin Franklin
Q61. Which is the most seasoned mountain range in India?
Answer: Aravali Mountains.
Q62. What’s the significance here?
Answer: group of islands.
Q63. Which road connects Srinagar and Leh?
Answer: Zoji La Pass.
Q64. Where exactly is Lake Loktak?
Answer: Manipur.
Q65. Who made the 1928 discovery of penicillin?
Answer: Alexander Fleming
Q66. Who came up with the relativity theory?
Answer: Albert Einstein
Q67. Who introduced the adage “Do or Die?”
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi
Q68. Who came up with the computer?
Answer: Charles Babbage

Q69. Who invented the telephone?

Answer: Alexander Graham Bell
Q70. Who is viewed as the organizer behind the Sikh religion?
Answer: Guru Nanak
Q71. Who was the first female astronaut?
Answer: Valentina Tereshkova
Q72. Who is Microsoft’s founder?
Answer: Bill Gates
Q73. Who is the designer of Radio?
Answer: Guglielmo Marconi
Q74. Who is the electric bulb’s creator?
Answer: Thomas Edison
Q75. Who is the fastest land animal in the world?
Answer: Cheetah
Q76. Who is the world’s biggest land creature?
Answer: Elephants
Q77. Who created the painting of the Mona Lisa?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci
Q78. Who was India’s Prime Minister for the longest time?
Answer: Jawaharlal Nehru
Q79. Who was dubbed “Indian Napoleon”?
Answer: Samudra Gupta
Q80. Who was America’s first president?
Answer: George Washington
Q81. Who was the main female Legislative head of an Indian State?
Answer: Sarojini Naidu
Q82. Who was the first Indian astronaut?
Answer: Rakesh Sharma
Q83. Who was the main Indian to have won the Nobel Prize?
Answer: Rabindranath Tagore
Q84. Which region in the world receives the most precipitation?
Answer: Mawsynram.
Q85. Which place never gets the upward beams of the Sun?
Answer: Srinagar

Dear students and readers, today’s article contains 100 straightforward general knowledge questions and answers. I trust that you have all read them all.

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