A Brief History of Modern India Spectrum pdf download 2023 (New Edition)
A Brief History of Modern India Spectrum pdf download 2023:- One of the best books for studying for the Modern History section of the UPSC and other State PCS exams like BPSC, JPSC, UPPSC, and others is A Brief History of Modern India.
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# | History of Modern India Unit of Spectrum 2023 | Spectrum Chapter 2023 | Spectrum Chapter name 2023 |
1 |
Unit 1 |
Chapter 1 |
Sources of the History of Modern India |
2 |
Chapter 2 |
Major Approaches to Modern Indian History |
3 |
Unit 2 |
Chapter 3 |
The Europeans’ Arrival in India Chapter |
4 |
Chapter 4 |
India just before being conquered by the British Chapter |
5 |
Chapter 5 |
British power’s expansion and consolidation in India |
6 |
Unit 3 |
Chapter 6 |
People’s Opposition to the British before 1857 |
7 |
Chapter 7 |
The 1857 Revolution |
8 |
Unit 4 |
Chapter 8 |
Socio-Strict Change Developments – General Highlights. |
9 |
Chapter 9 |
A general study of socio-social change developments and their chiefs |
10 |
Unit 5 |
Chapter 10 |
India’s first modern nationalism. |
11 |
Chapter 11 |
The Foundation and the Moderate Phase of the Indian National Congress |
12 |
Unit 6 |
Chapter 12 |
From 1910 to 2009, a time of ferocious nationalism. |
13 |
Chapter 13 |
The first period of revolutionary activity (from 1907 to 17) |
14 |
Chapter 14 |
The First World War and its response by nationalists |
15 |
Unit 7 |
Chapter 15 |
Gandhi’s emergence. |
16 |
Chapter 16 |
The Khilafat Movement and the movement against cooperation |
17 |
Chapter 17 |
Swarajists, socialist concepts, revolutionary actions, and other new forces emerge. |
18 |
Chapter 18 |
The Nehru report and the Simon Commission |
19 |
Chapter 19 |
Movements of civil disobedience and conferences with round tables |
20 |
Chapter 20 |
discussions regarding the future strategy following the civil disobedience movement. |
21 |
Chapter 21 |
Provinces are ruled by Congress. |
22 |
Unit 8 |
Chapter 22 |
Response by nationalists following World War II. |
23 |
Chapter 23 |
Demand for Pakistan and the Quit India Movement |
24 |
Chapter 24 |
National scenario following the war. |
25 |
Chapter 25 |
Independence through division |
26 |
Unit 9 |
Chapter 26 |
Administrative and judicial developments based on the Constitution. |
27 |
Chapter 27 |
An examination of British policy in India. |
28 |
Chapter 28 |
India’s economic impact under British rule. |
29 |
Chapter 29 |
The growth of the Indian press. |
30 |
Chapter 30 |
the growth of education. |
31 |
Chapter 31 |
Movements of peasants (1857–1977) |
32 |
Chapter 32 |
The working-class movement |
33 |
Unit 10 |
Chapter 33 |
challenges facing the infant nation. |
34 |
Chapter 34 |
The States of India. |
35 |
Chapter 35 |
The creation of India’s constitution. |
36 |
Chapter 36 |
the development of nationalist foreign policy over time. |
37 |
Chapter 37 |
The first general election. |
38 |
Chapter 38 |
changes under Nehru’s direction (1947–64). |
39 |
Chapter 39 |
After Nehru’s |
Spectrum Modern History Book pdf 2023
Spectrum Modern History book (new edition) pdf download 2023 |
Click Here to Download |
Read More:- Spectrum Modern History Notes PDF 2023
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