करो या मरो नारा किसने दिया @gkduniya.in

Karo Ya Maro Nara Kisne Diya, gkduniya.in
Karo Ya Maro Nara Kisne Diya, gkduniya.in

करो या मरो नारा किसने दिया

Karo Ya Maro Nara Kisne Diya

do or die:

Karo Ya Maro Nara Kisne Diya:- Mahatma Gandhi, who followed the non-violent thinking, who ultimately played an important role in achieving the independence of India, gave this slogan in the year 1942. This slogan was given by Gandhi ji while addressing the meeting of All India Congress in Bombay. Gandhi ji had shaken the foundation of the British government with efforts like the Non-Cooperation Movement. was an answer to the repressive policies of the British rule

Who gave: Mahatma Gandhi

When given: in the year 1942

Goal: Through the slogan “Do or die”, Gandhiji encouraged the common people of India living the life of slavery to fight unitedly. The main objective of this slogan was to oppose the oppressive policies of the British government. The people were inspired to unite and make every effort for freedom.

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