List of all Presidents of India from 1947 to 2021

List of all Presidents of India from 1947 to 2021 till now gk duniya
List of all Presidents of India from 1947 to 2021 till now gk duniya

List of all Presidents of India from 1947 to 2021

  :- The President of India is Ram Nath Kovind. Article 52 of the Indian Constitution communicates that there should be a President of India. Permit us to see the overview of Presidents who have been picked so far for specific huge real factors.

The President is at the top of the Republic of India and is the primary resident of India. Article 53 of the Indian Constitution expresses that every one of the leading powers of the Union will be practiced by him either straightforwardly or through officials subordinate to him.
On 26 November 1949, the Constitution of India was taken on and came into power on 26 January 1950. The main established top of the express, the President of India was Rajendra Prasad. As of now, the President of India is Ram Nath Kovind. On 25th July 2017, he turned into the fourteenth President of India named by the constituent school.
In the Constitution Part V (The Union) under Chapter I (The Executive) subtleties of capabilities, political decision, and prosecution of the President of India are given. That is Articles from 52 to 78 in Part V of the Constitution manage the Union Executive. The President of India is likewise the top of the chief, council, and legal executive of the country.
List of all Presidents of India from 1947 to 2021 GKDUNIYA.IN
The President holds office for a residency of a long time from the date on which he enters his office. Be that as it may, he can leave his office whenever by addressing the renunciation letter to the Vice-President. Further, he can likewise be taken out from the workplace before the fulfillment of his term by the course of reprimand. The President can hold office past his term of five years until his replacement expects charge. He is additionally qualified for re-appointment to that office.
The Electoral College chooses the President of India, which incorporates the chosen individuals from both the Houses of Parliament, the chosen individuals from the administrative gatherings of the states, and the chosen individuals from the authoritative congregations of the Union Territories of Delhi and Puducherry and the portrayal of its individuals in particular. Their vote is single adaptable and their subsequent option is counted as well. Do you realize that no law can be forced in India without the President’s mark?

1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

Dr. Rajendra Prasad -
Dr. Rajendra Prasad –

President Rajendra Prasad:- Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the primary President of India, who had functioned as president for two terms. He was likewise the President of the Constituent Assembly and the Chief Leader of the Indian Independence Movement. He was granted Bharat Ratna in 1962.

2. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

President Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan:- Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was brought into the world on 5 September 1888, and this day is commended as Teacher’s Day. He was granted Bharat Ratna in 1954.

3. Dr. Zakir Husain

Dr. Zakir Husain gkduniya
Dr. Zakir Husain gkduniya
President Zakir Husain:- Dr. Zakir Husain turned into the principal Muslim President of India and kicked the bucket at his post. The prompt Vice President, V.V. Giri was made the acting President. From that point onward, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Mohammad Hidayatullah became acting President from 20 July 1969 to 24 August 1969. Mohammad Hidayatullah was granted the Padma Bhushan in the field of craftsmanship by the Government of India in 2002. He additionally got upset schooling in India.

4. V. V. Giri

President V. V. Giri -
President V. V. Giri –

President V Giri:- V.V Giri was the fourth President of India. His complete name was Varahagiri Venkata Giri. He turned into the main individual to be chosen President as a free up-and-comer. In 1975, he was granted Bharat Ratna.

5. Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed

Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed -gkduniya
Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed -gkduniya

President Fakhrudin Ali Ahmed:- Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed was the fifth President of India. He was the second President who passed on in the post of the President. BD Jattha was made Acting President.

6. Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy

Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy -
Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy –

President Neelam Sanjeva Reddy:- Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy turned into the 6th President of India. He was the main Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. He was straightforwardly chosen for the post of Lok Sabha speaker and turned into the most youthful President who involved Rashtrapati Bhavan and was challenged twice for the post of president.

List of all Presidents of India from 1947 to 2021 GKDUNIYA.IN

7. Giani Zail Singh

Giani Zail Singh -
Giani Zail Singh –

President Giani Zail Singh:- Preceding turning into the President, he was additionally the Chief Minister of Punjab and the Minister at the Center. He likewise utilized Pocket Veto on the Indian Post Office Bill. During his administration, numerous episodes occurred, like Operation Blue Star, the death of Indira Gandhi, and the 1984 enemy of Sikh uproars.

8. R. Venkataraman

R. Venkataraman -
R. Venkataraman –
President Venkataraman:- R. Venkataraman was chosen as the President of India from 25 July 1987 to 25 July 1992. Prior he was Vice-President of India from 1984 to 1987. He has gotten many distinctions from various regions of the planet. He is a recipient of “Tamra Patra” for his commitments to India’s opportunity battle. Other than this, the Russian government had given the Soviet Land Prize for creating the travelog on past Tamil Nadu Prime Minister, Kumaraswami Kamaraj’s.

9. Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma

Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma gk duniya
Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma gk duniya
President Shankar Dayal Sharma:- He was the eighth Vice President of India prior to becoming president. From 1952 to 1956 he was the Chief Minister of Bhopal and Cabinet Minister from 1956 to 1967. The International Bar Association gave them the ‘Remarkable individual of Law Award of Recognition’ due to multi-accomplishments in the legitimate calling.

10. K R Narayanan

K R Narayanan gk duniya
K R Narayanan gk duniya
President K R Narayanan:- K. R. Narayanan was the principal Dalit President of India and the main Malayali individual to get the most noteworthy office of the country. He was the primary President to cast a ballot in the Lok Sabha races and tended to the state get-together.

11. Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam gk duniya
Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam gk duniya
President Abdul Kalam:- Dr. A. P.J. Abdul Kalam came to be known as ‘Rocket Man of India’. He was the primary researcher who assumed control over the post of President and the principal President of India who won the most votes. In his executive, Rohini-1 satellites, Agni and Prithvi rockets were effectively dispatched. The Pokhran-II nuclear tests drove in India in 1998 after the principal nuclear preliminary of 1974 saw him in a critical political, definitive and particular work. He was granted the Bharat Ratna in 1997.

12. Shrimati Pratibha Singh Patil

Shrimati Pratibha Singh Patil gkduniya
Shrimati Pratibha Singh Patil gkduniya
President Pratibha Singh Patil:- She was the Governor of Rajasthan prior to turning into the President From 1962 to 1985, she was an individual from the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly multiple times and was chosen from Amravati to the Lok Sabha in 1991. Not just this, she was likewise the main lady president to fly Sukhoi.

13. Pranab Mukherjee


Pranab Mukherjee 13 President of India:- President of India Pranab Mukherjee was the money services in the focal government prior to challenging the official political decision. He was granted the best Parliamentary Award in 1997 and Padma Vibhushan, India’s second-most elevated regular citizen honor in 2008. He passed on 31 August 2020 (Monday) at 84 years old.

14. Slam Nath Kovind


Slam Nath Kovind:- President Slam Nath Kovind was brought into the world on 1 October 1945 in Uttar Pradesh, India. He is an Indian legal counselor and lawmaker. He is the fourteenth and current President of India. Kovind turned into the President on 25 July 2017 and is an individual from the Bhartiya Janata Party. He is the previous Governor of Bihar. His methodology towards political issues acquired him acclaim across the political range. As a Governor his accomplishments were the making of a legal commission to examine debasement in colleges.


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