list of countries Animals – List of National Animals of all Countries

Which is the national animal in the world? How many countries have a national animal? What is Pakistan’s national animal? Which animal is the national animal of India? the national animal of India, the national animal of New Zealand, the national animal of Nepal, what is the national animal of japan, the national animal of Russia, the national animal of china, the national animal of Australia, the national animal of England, List of national animals, National Symbols represents the culture and tradition of a country in symbolic form. Most countries are better known for their symbols rather than the country itself. List of National animals in all countries : Country National Animal Afghanistan Marco Polo Sheep Argentina Puma Australia Kangaroo Bangladesh Royal Bengal Tiger Belgium Lion Bhutan Takin Bolivia Llama Brazil Jaguar Bulgaria Lion Chile Huemul China Chinese Dragon Colombia Andean Condor Cuba Cuban Crocodile Cyprus mouflon sheep Denmark Lion Egypt Saladin’s Eagle England Lion, Bulldog Finland Brown Bear France Gallic Rooster Hungary Turul India Royal Bengal Tiger Iraq Komodo Dragon Ireland Irish Wolfhound, Red Deer Israel gazelle Japan Pheasant, Koi Jordan Oryx Malaysia Malayan Tiger Myanmar peafowl Netherlands Lion New Zealand Moose Norway Lion Pakistan Markhor Philippines Carabao Poland White Eagle Portugal Iberian wolf Puerto Rico Coqui Romania lynx Russia Russian Brown Bear Scotland Unicorn and Lion Singapore Lion South Africa Springbok Antelope South Korea Korean Tiger Spain Bull Sri Lanka Lion Taiwan Formosan Black Bear Thailand Thai Elephant United States of America American Bison Vietnam Water Buffalo Zimbabwe Sable Antelope, list of countries Animals - List of National Animals of all Countries
list of countries Animals - List of National Animals of all Countries

list of Countries Animals – List of National Animals of all Countries

list of countries Animals – List of National Animals of all Countries:- The Indian national symbols have been carefully selected to represent the nation’s image. The nation and its ethnic culture are defined by its symbols. The Royal Bengal Tiger is selected as India’s national animal. The tiger was a powerful animal in Hindu mythology and the Vedic era. It was frequently depicted as the animal vehicle of Goddess Durga’s various forms. Eighty percent of all tigers in the world are found in India. Indian postage stamps and currency notes both feature the Royal Bengal Tiger.


Name of animal
Scientific name
(Latin name)
Algeria flag Algeria
Fennec fox (national animal)
Vulpes zerda
Fennec Foxes.jpg
Argentina  flag Argentina  
Rufous hornero (national bird)
Furnarius Rufus
Flickr - Dario Sanches, Rufous hornero (national bird), Argentina
Antigua and Barbuda flag Antigua and Barbuda 
European fallow deer (national animal)
Dama dama
Fallow deer in field.jpg
Frigate (national bird)
Fregata magnificens
Fregata magnificens1.jpg
Hawksbill turtle (national sea creature)
Eretmochelys imbricata
Hawksbill Turtle.jpg
Azerbaijan flag Azerbaijan 
Karabakh horse (national horse)
Equus caballus
Qarabaq ati.jpg
Bahamas flag Bahamas 
Blue marlin (national fish)
Makaira nigricans
Atlantic blue marlin.jpg
Flamingo (national bird)
Phoenicopterus ruber
American flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber).JPG
Bangladesh flag Bangladesh 
Bengal tiger (national animal)
Panthera tigris tigris
Panthera tigris tigris.jpg
Magpie robin (national bird)
Copsychus saularis
Magpie robin.jpg
Ilish (national fish)
Tenualosa ilisha
Belize flag Belize 
Baird’s tapir (national animal)
Tapirus bairdii
Central American Tapir-Belize20.jpg
Keel-billed toucan (national bird)
Ramphastos sulfuratus
Ramphastos sulfuratus -Belize Zoo-6a-2c.jpg
Botswana flag Botswana 
Plains zebra (national animal)
Equus quagga
Equus quagga burchellii - Etosha, 2014.jpg
Brazil flag Brazil 
Rufous-bellied thrush (national bird)
Turdus rufiventris
Cambodia flag Cambodia 
Kouprey (national mammal)
Bos sauveli
Saen Monourom Mondul Kiri Cambodia crop.jpg
Giant ibis (national bird)
Pseudibis gigantea
Northern river terrapin (national reptile)
Batagur baska
Batagur baska.jpg
Giant barb (national fish)
Catlocarpio siamensis
Giant Barb.jpg
Canada flag Canada 
North American beaver (national animal)
Castor canadensis
American Beaver.jpg
Canadian horse (national horse)
Equus caballus
Cheval canadien au trot 3372.jpg
Costa Rica flag Costa Rica 
Yigüirro (national bird)
Turdus grayi
Turdus grayi Garita, Alajuela Costa Rica-10.jpg
West Indian manatee (national aquatic animal)
Trichechus manatus
Manatee with calf.PD - colour corrected.jpg
Three-toed sloth
Two-toed sloth
Choloepus hoffmanni
Bradypus variegatus
Bicho-preguiça 3.jpg
Cuba flag Cuba 
Cuban trogon (national bird)
Priotelus temnurus
Priotelus temnurus -Camaguey, Camaguey Province, Cuba-8.jpg
Denmark flag Denmark 
Red squirrel (national mammal)
Sciurus vulgaris
Red Squirrel 1c.jpg
Mute swan (national bird)
Cygnus olor
Cygnus olor 2 (Marek Szczepanek).jpg
Small tortoiseshell (national butterfly)
Aglais urticae
Aglais urticae LC0310.jpg
Dominican Republic flag Dominican Republic 
Palmchat (national bird)
Dulus dominicus
Dulus dominicus.JPG
El Salvador flag El Salvador 
Turquoise-browed motmot (national bird)
Eumomota superciliosa
Guatemala flag Guatemala 
Resplendent quetzal (national bird)
Pharomachrus mocinno
Pharomachrus mocinno Monteverde 05.jpg
Honduras flag Honduras 
White-tailed deer (national animal)
Odocoileus virginianus
White-tailed deer.jpg
Scarlet macaw (national bird)
Ara macao
Ara macao, Scarlet macaw (national bird)
India flag India 
Tiger (national animal)
Panthera tigris
Panthera tigris tigris.jpg
Indian peafowl (national bird)
Pavo cristatus
Ganges river dolphin (national aquatic animal)
Platanista gangetica
Platanista gangetica noaa.jpg
Indian elephant (national heritage animal)
Elephas maximus indicus
Jamaica flag Jamaica 
Red-billed streamertail (national bird)
Trochilus polytmus
Red-billed Streamertail 2506104129.jpg
Latvia flag Latvia 
White wagtail (national bird)
Motacilla alba
Two-spotted ladybird (national insect)
Adalia bipunctata
Coccinellidae - Adalia bipunctata.JPG
Lebanon flag Lebanon 
Striped hyena (national animal)
Hyaena hyaena
Striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) - cropped.jpg
Lithuania flag Lithuania 
White stork (national bird)
Ciconia ciconia
White stork (Ciconia ciconia) standing.jpg
Mongolia flag Mongolia 
Saker falcon (national bird)
Falco cherrug
Falco cherrug (Marek Szczepanek).jpg
  Nepal flag   Nepal 
Cow (national animal)
Hindu Cow Nepalensis
Nicaragua flag Nicaragua 
Turquoise-browed motmot (national bird)
Eumomota superciliosa
Turquoise-browed Motmot (16423222357).jpg
Pakistan flag Pakistan 
Markhor (national animal)
Capra falconeri
Markhor Schraubenziege Capra falconeri Zoo Augsburg-02.jpg
Indus river dolphin (national aquatic mammal)
Platanista minor
Chukar (national bird)
Alectoris chukar
Mugger crocodile (national reptile)
Crocodylus palustris
PK Kirthar NP asv2020-02 img25.jpg
Shaheen falcon (heritage bird)
Falco peregrinus peregrinator
جير شاهين.jpg
Snow leopard (national predator)
Panthera uncia
Snow Leopard 1 (4693059450).jpg
Panama flag Panama 
Harpy eagle (national bird)
Harpia harpyja
Harpia harpyja 001 800.jpg
Peru flag Peru 
Andean cock-of-the-rock (national bird)
Rupicola peruviana
Rupicola peruviana (male) -San Diego Zoo-8a.jpg
Philippines flag Philippines 
Philippine eagle (national bird)
Pithecophaga jefferyi
Sir Arny(Philippine Eagle).jpg
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines flag Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 
Saint Vincent amazon (national bird)
Amazona guildingii
Amazona guildingii -Botanical Gardens -Kingstown -Saint Vincent-8a-4c.jpg
South Africa flag South Africa flag
Springbok (national animal)
Antidorcas marsupialis
Blue crane (national bird)
Anthropoides paradiseus
Anthropoides paradiseus -Etosha National Park, Namibia-8.jpg
Galjoen (national fish)
Dichistius capensis
Dichistius capensis.JPG

Sri Lanka flagSri Lanka
Sri Lankan junglefowl (national bird)
Gallus lafayettii
Gallus lafayettii, Sri Lankan junglefowl (national bird)
Tanzania flag Tanzania 
Giraffe (national animal)
Giraffa sp.
Giraffe Mikumi National Park.jpg
Thailand flag Thailand 
Asian elephant (national animal)
Elephas maximus
Elephas maximus (Bandipur).jpg
Siamese fighting fish (national aquatic animal)
Betta splendens
Male Betta -34245661920.jpg
Qatar flag Qatar 
Arabian oryx (national animal)
Oryx leucoryx
Arabian oryx (oryx leucoryx).jpg
Uganda flag Uganda 
Grey crowned crane (national bird)
Balearica regulorum
Balearica regulorum 001.jpg
United States flag United States 
Bald eagle (national bird)
Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Haliaeetus leucocephalus.jpeg
American bison (national mammal)
Bison bison
American bison k5680-1.jpg
Venezuela flag Venezuela
Venezuelan troupial (national bird)
Icterus icterus
Curacao-Icterus-Icterus-2013.JPG will update many more new jobs and study materials and exam updates, keep Visiting and share our post of, So more people will get this. This content and notes are not related to and if you have any objection over this post, content, links, and notes, you can mail us at And you can follow and subscribe to other social platforms. All social site links are in the subscribe tab and bottom of the page.

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Tags: Which is the national animal in the world? How many countries have a national animal? What is Pakistan’s national animal? Which animal is the national animal of India? the national animal of India, the national animal of New Zealand, the national animal of Nepal, what is the national animal of japan, the national animal of Russia, the national animal of china, the national animal of Australia, the national animal of England, List of national animals, National Symbols represents the culture and tradition of a country in symbolic form. Most countries are better known for their symbols rather than the country itself. List of National animals in all countries : Country National Animal Afghanistan Marco Polo Sheep Argentina Puma Australia Kangaroo Bangladesh Royal Bengal Tiger Belgium Lion Bhutan Takin Bolivia Llama Brazil Jaguar Bulgaria Lion Chile Huemul China Chinese Dragon Colombia Andean Condor Cuba Cuban Crocodile Cyprus mouflon sheep Denmark Lion Egypt Saladin’s Eagle England Lion, Bulldog Finland Brown Bear France Gallic Rooster Hungary Turul India Royal Bengal Tiger Iraq Komodo Dragon Ireland Irish Wolfhound, Red Deer Israel gazelle Japan Pheasant, Koi Jordan Oryx Malaysia Malayan Tiger Myanmar peafowl Netherlands Lion New Zealand Moose Norway Lion Pakistan Markhor Philippines Carabao Poland White Eagle Portugal Iberian wolf Puerto Rico Coqui Romania lynx Russia Russian Brown Bear Scotland Unicorn and Lion Singapore Lion South Africa Springbok Antelope South Korea Korean Tiger Spain Bull Sri Lanka Lion Taiwan Formosan Black Bear Thailand Thai Elephant United States of America American Bison Vietnam Water Buffalo Zimbabwe Sable Antelope