UPSC Toppers list 2022

UPSC Toppers list 2022, UPSC-2019-toppers-list, gkduniya
UPSC Toppers list 2022, UPSC-2019-toppers-list, gkduniya

UPSC Toppers list 2022

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Examination (CSE) for shortlisting possibility to Indian Administrative.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the Civil Services Examination (CSE) for shortlisting plausibility to Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service and Central Services Group ‘A’ Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service and Central Services Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’.
UPSC Civil Services 2021 The UPSC Final Result 2020 was delivered on September 24 and suggests an aggregate of 761 possibility for arrangement. It has likewise delivered the hold list and different subtleties.

UPSC Civil Services Toppers 2021

Shubham Kumar
Jagrati Awasthi
Ankita Jain
Yash Jaluka
Mamta Yadav
Meera K
Praveen Kumar
Jivani Karthik Nagjibhai
Apal Mishra
Satyam Gandhi

UPSC Top 50 Civil Service Rankers

Topper Name
1. Shubham Kumar
2. Jagrati Awasthi
3. Ankita Jain
4. Yash Jaluka
5. Mamta Yadav
6. Meera K
7. Praveen Kumar
8. Jivani Kartik Nagjibhai
9. Apala Mishra
10. Satyam Gandhi
11.  Devayani
12. Mithun Premraj
13. Gaurav Budania
14. Karishma Nair
15. Ria Dabi
16. Arth Jain
17. Sarthak Agrawal
18. Radhika Gupta
19. Shashwat Tripurari
20. P Srija
21. Vaishali Jain
22. Nitesh Kumar Jain
23. Sadaf Choudhary
24. Krishan Kumar Singh
25. Vaibhav Rawat
26. Pulkit Singh
27. Maithreyi Naidu
28. Divya Mishra
29. Prakhar Kumar Singh
30. Divyanshu Choudhary
31. Y Megha Swaroop
32. Rallapalli Jagat Sai
33. Narayana Sarma V S
34. Simrandeep Singh
35. Aparna Ramesh
36. Joshi Mrunalee Avinash
37. Narwade Vinayak Karbhari
38. Varuna Agrawal
39. Srijan Varma
40. Anant Dwivedi
41. Aswathy Jiji
42. Pooja Gupta
43. Kanishka
44. Divyanshu Nigam
45. Anil Basak
46. Jubin Mohapatra
47. Vinayak Chamadia
48. Sai Manasa Nc
49. Rajat Ravindra Ubhaykar
50. Abhishek Shukla

UPSC IAS 1st Rankers List

Shubham Kumar
2020 Bihar
Pradeep Singh  2019 Haryana
Kanishka Kataria 2018 Rajasthan
Anudeep Durishetty  2017 Telangana
Nanini  2016 Karnataka
Tina Dabi  2015 Delhi
Ira Singhal  2014 Delhi
Gaurav Agarwal  2013 Rajasthan
Haritha V Kumar  2012 Kerala
Shena Aggarwal  2011 Haryana
S Divyadarshini 2010 Tamil Nadu
Shah Faesal 2009 Jammu & Kashmir
Shubhra Saxena 2008 Uttar Pradesh
Adapa Karthik 2007 Andhra Pradesh
Mutyalaraju Revu 2006 Andhra Pradesh
Mona Pruthi  2005 Haryana
S Nagarajan 2004 Tamil Nadu
Roopa Mishra  2003 Odisha
Ankur Garg  2002 Punjab
Alok Ranjan Jha  2001 Bihar
Vijayalakshmi Bidari  2000 Karnataka
Sorabh Babu 1999 Uttar Pradesh
Bhawna Garg  1998 Punjab
Devesh Kumar  1997 Bihar
Sunil Kumar Barnwal  1996 Bihar
Iqbal Dhaliwal 1995 Tamil Nadu
Asutosh Jindal  1994 Delhi
Srivatsa Krishna  1993 Karnataka
Shri Anurag Srivastava 1992 Uttar Pradesh
Raju Narayana Swamy  1991 Kerala
Lakshmi Narayana 1990 Andhra Pradesh
IAS Success Stories Nitin Sangwan, IAS Nitin Sangwan, who broke the Civil Services Examination (CSE), shared inspirational lines for understudies who disappointed in CBSE board results. Sangwan took to twitter and shared his CBSE twelfth outcome mark sheet and uncovered life is significantly more than board result. He tweeted, “In my twelfth tests, I got 24 engravings in Chemistry – just 1 engraving above passing marks. In any case, that didn’t conclude what I needed from my life. Try not to hinder kids with the weight of imprints. Life is significantly more than board results. Leave results alone a chance for thoughtfulness and not really for analysis.” UPSC Success Stories We invite all UPSC clinchers to share their example of overcoming adversity through our foundation to rouse future applicants. The vast majority of our perusers are anxiously hanging tight for Civil Service test clinchers readiness tips alongside talk with tips. IAS clinchers can interface with us on email: and compose their prosperity mantra. The mail ought to be featured with ”UPSC Civil Services Success Story” in the title. will update many more new jobs and study materials and exam updates, keep Visiting and share our post of, So more people will get this. This content and notes are not related to and if you have any objection over this post, content, links, and notes, you can mail us at
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