115 Assam General Knowledge Questions and Answers, GK. Assamese GK 2023. Assamese General Knowledge for Competitive Exams

111. Who coordinated the Assamese Film “Shakuntala”
(A) Bhabendra Nath Saikia
(B) Dr Bhupen Hazarika
(C) Bidyut Chakraborty
(D) Jyotiprasad Agarwala
Reply: ( B) Dr Bhupen Hazarika
112. Which one was the subsequent movie coordinated by Jyotiprasad Agarwala
(A) Joymoti
(B) Indramalati
(C) Monumoti
(D) Siraj
Reply: ( B) Indramalati
113. Which one was the primary Assamese film to win President’s Silver Award for Best Component Film
(A) Puberun
(B) Shakuntala
(C) Maniram Devan
(D) Ronga Police
Reply: ( D) Ronga Police
114. In which year Assamese film “Halodhia Choraye Baodhan Khai” wins the Silver and Bronze Panther Grant at Locarno Global Film Celebration
(A) 1987
(B) 1988
(C) 1989
(D) 1990
Reply: ( B) 1988
115. The principal movie coordinated by Jahnu Barua
(A) Firingoti
(B) Papori
(C) Aparoopa
(D) Bonani
Reply: ( C) Aparoopa
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