Computer One Line Questions And Answers Part 1


Computer One Line Questions And Answers Part 1

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Essential Computer Awareness and Computer Knowledge are helpful in every one of the sorts of cutthroat assessments from Clerk level to Officer level. These tests will survey the person’s computational abilities which are valuable in everyday work in Banks, Insurance Companies, LIC AAO, and other government workplaces. Here you will rehearse and become familiar with All Computer Knowledge and Computer Awareness Questions which will improve your Computer abilities needed for Competitive tests

Most Important One Line Questions And Answers Part 1


1. The speed of the processor of cumuser is measured in which of the following.
Answer = MIPS
2. Which ports are connected to a particular type of musical instrument with a sound card.
Answer = MIDI (MIDI)
3. Communicators provide extensibility for the system.
Answer = Slots
4. A box, which contains the most important parts of the communicator system, is called.
Answer = System Unit
5. Which of the following is not a demo of an output o/p device.
Answer: – Keyboard
6. Which of these are not a type of plotter.
Answer: – Plot bed plotter
7. Which of these are not a type of projector.
Answer: – Gray-scrapple projector
8. Devices by which results are obtained from the computer: The devices are called ……………………… devices.
Answer: – Output devices
9. ……………………… .. is an output device that allows TV Such as display the output on the screen and is also called a visual diskette unit.
Answer: – Monitor
10. Plomter is an output device that ………………………………. Prints etc. on hard copy.
Answer: All of the above

Computer One Line Questions And Answers Part 2

11. Printers are an output device that ……………………………. Converts to …………………………….
Answer: – Soft copy to hard copy
12. What are the monitors that display the output as an adjustment of the RGB radiations.
Answer: – color monitor
13. ……………………… is an online device that prints the information received from the computer on paper and displays the output on paper.
Answer: – Printer
14. The word monochrome is made up of two words consisting of mono and chrome, hence it is called ………………………………… .. Distill.
Answer: – Single color
15. Which of the following are examples of an output device.
Answer: – Monitor
16. Output of which of these monitors is displayed as Black & White.
Answer: – Monogram
17. L.C.D. Full form of ………………………. Happen.
Answer: – Liquid crystal display
18. L.E.D. The full form is ………………………… ..
Answer: – Light-emitting diode
19. CRT The full form is ………………………….
Answer: – Cathode Ray Twitter
20. CRT Which technology was developed in place of technology that was used in making displays.
Answer: – Flat panel

Computer One Line Questions And Answers Part 2

21. In which technique was used to make display by placing the cameras and gases in a plate.
Answer: – Flat panel
22. Dot pitch is also known as ……………………… technique.
Answer: – Measurement technique
23. The technique used to develop graphics in which both text and graphics can be displayed is called ……………………………….
Answer: – Bit mapping technique
24. A monitor that displays the output as an adjustment of RGB radiations is called a ……………………… monitor.
Answer: – color monitor
25. The plotter was invented by
Answer: – Minton Rand
26. In which year was the plotter developed.
Answer: 1953
27. A plotter is an output device that uses charts, graphs, diagrams, drawings, etc. ……………………. It does the work of printing on.
Answer: – On hard copy
28. What is a plotter used for.
Answer: – Create technical drawings
29. How many types of plotters are there.
Answer: – Two
30. how one is not a plotter type.
Answer: – Drum bed plotter 

31. ……………………………… is a computer hardware device that is very similar to a printer and is used to print vector graphics.
Answer: – Plotter
32. A drum pen plotter is a plotter in which ……………………… .. is used to make a shape.
Answer: – Fiber tipped pen
33. ……………………… .. is a plotter in which fiber tipped pens are used to make shapes.
Answer: – Drum Pen Plotter
34. Flatbed plotter has a pen on one arm, in it, that pen …………………. Are controlled by.
Answer: – by computer
35. Which are the devices by which we can input our data or instructions on the computer.
Answer: – Input device
36. Which of the following is not an Ex. of an input device.
Answer: – Monitor
37. What is the full form of OMR.
Answer: – Optical Mark Reader
38. What is the O.C.R full form.
Answer: – Optical Character Recognition
39. MICR Has a full form.
Answer: – Magnetic ink character recognition
40. Which device is used to check the presence and absence of pencil or pen insignia on paper.
Answer: – Optical Mark Reader

Computer One Line Questions And Answers Part 2

41. What are the devices that carry out our instructions or commands to the computer’s brain.
Answer: – Input device
42 ……………… .. is a technique that is used to read a particular type of symbol, letter, and number.
Answer: – Optical Character Recognition
43. M.C.C.R. Use of ………………………. Are done for.
Answer: – To get the character of magnetic ink
44. O.C.R. Use of …………………………. Is done for
Answer: – To read a particular type of symbol and letter
45. The devices that carry our instructions or commands to the brain of the computer are called _?
Answer: – Input device
46. ​​CPU Full form of ………………. Happen.
Answer: – Central Processing Unit
47. Which of the following is an example of an input device ………………….
Answer: – Keyboard
48. Devices that provide user input data, as a result, are called _____?
Answer: – Output device
49. Which of the following is not an example of an output device.
Answer: – Mouse
50. ALU Full form of ……………………. Happen.
Answer: – Arithmetic Logic Unit will update many more new jobs and study materials and exam updates, keep Visiting and share our post of, So more people will get this. This content and notes are not related to and if you have any objection over this post, content, links, and notes, you can mail us at
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