240+ Human Diseases Mcq Objective Quetions 2023 || Objective questions about human diseases


240+ Human Diseases Mcq Objective Quetions 2023 

part 3

Q.61 Which organ is affected by diphtheria?
(A) Throat ✔️
(B) Eye
(C) Liver
(D) Pancreas
Q.62 Glaucoma and Trachoma are diseases?
(A) Neck
(B) Ears
(C) Brain
(D) Eyes✔️
Q.63 Hepatitis is caused by inflammation of which organ in the human body?
(A) Brain
(B) Heart
(C) Liver ✔️
(D) Kidney
Q.64 B. C.G. Vaccines are given against which disease?
(A) Measles
(B) Tuberculosis ✔️
(C) Polio
(D) Hepatitis-A
Q.65 Which of the following eye defects cannot be corrected?
(A) Myopia
(B) Hypermetropia
(C) Color blindness ✔️
(D) None of these
Q.66 Chemotherapy is used in the treatment of?
(A) Cancer ✔️
(B) Tuberculosis (TB)
(C) Hepatitis-A
(D) Arthritis
Q.67 What is meant by myopia?
(A) Long sightedness
(B) Nearsightedness ✔️
(C) Color blindness
(D) Night blindness
Q.68 Hyperopia of human eye is also called?
(A) Myopia
(B) Cataract
(C) Night blindness
(D) Hypermetropia✔️
Q.69 Excess of which of the following in the body causes heart attack?
(A) Blood urea
(B) Cholesterol ✔️
(C) Blood protein
(D) Blood sugar
Q.70 Which micro-organism causes pneumonia?
(A) Protozoa
(B) Fungus
(C) Virus
(D) Bacteria✔️
Q.71 Deficiency of which of the following causes a disease called goitre in a person?
(A) Fat
(B) Vitamin
(C) Iodine ✔️
(D) Protein
Q.72 Argotism in cattle is a disease caused by?
(A) Bacteria
(B) Virus
(C) Fungi ✔️
(D) Insects
Q.73 Diabetes can be controlled by the needle of which of the following?
(A) Penicillin
(B) Insulin ✔️
(C) Tetracycline
(D) Metacin
Q.74 What is the deficiency of quasiworker?
(A) Fats
(B) Vitamin b2
(C) Proteins ✔️
(D) Hormones
Q.75 Which disease is caused due to allergic reaction?
(A) Asthma ✔️
(B) Anemia
(C) Hemophilia
(D) Polio
Q.76 Widal test is used to check which possibility?
(A) Malaria
(B) Typhoid ✔️
(C) Cholera
(D) Yellow fever
Q.77 Which of the following colors cannot be distinguished by a colour-blind person?
(A) Yellow and Green
(B) Black and Blue
(C) Red and Green ✔️
(D) Blue and Green
Q.78 Degeneration of …….. is characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease in humans?
(A) kidney cell
(B) nerve cell
(C) brain cell ✔️
(D) liver cell
Q.79 Which animal is useful for fighting cancer?
(A) snake
(B) monkey
(C) starfish ✔️
(D) fish
Q.80 What is cryotherapy?
(A) Hot treatment
(B) Ice treatment ✔️
(C) Massage treatment
(D) Ray treatment
Q.81 Deficiency of which element causes Beri Beri disease?
(A) Thiamine ✔️
(B) Riboflavin
(C) Cobalamin
(D) Niacin
Q.82 How is the prasad of infectious disease?
(A) Air
(B) Water and food
(C) Insects
(D) All of these✔️
Q.83 Cholera is caused by?
(A) Bacteria ✔️
(B) Virus
(C) Insect
(D) Toxin
Q.84 What is water borne disease?
(A) Diphtheria
(B) Tetanus
(C) Hepatitis ✔️
(D) Malaria
Q.85 A toxin called aflatoxin is produced by?
(A) Virus
(B) Protozoa
(C) Fungus ✔️
(D) Bacteria
Q.86 Are hereditary diseases like complete color blindness, nephritis etc. a trait?
(A) X-linked ✔️
(B) XX linked
(C) XY linked
(D) Y linked
Q.87 Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?
(A) AIDS virus – ssRNA ✔️
(B) Reovirus – ssRNA (ds RNA)
(C) Polio virus – dsRNA (ss RNA)
(D) Chicken pox virus – ssDNA (Ds RNA)
Q.88 Mumps is a viral disease that causes inflammation
in- (A) Parotid gland ✔️
(B) Sublingual gland
(C) Submaxillary gland
(D) Infra Orbital) in the gland
Q.89 Iron deficiency occurs in leaf?
(A) Tissue decay in leaf tip
(B) Small leaf disease
(C) Deficiency of protein synthesis
(D) Interveinal chlorosis in first young leaves✔️
Q.90 Yellow fever is transmissible?
(A) Female Culex
(B) Female Anopheles
(C) Female Aedes ✔️
(D) House fly