240+ Human Diseases Mcq Objective Quetions 2023 || Objective questions about human diseases


240+ Human Diseases Mcq Objective Quetions 2023

part 6

Q.151 Casuarina is a –
(A) Hydrophyte ✔️
(B) Apophyte
(C) Xerophyte
(D) Epiphyte
Q.152 What is the meaning of Virus in Latrine?
(A) Sweet
(B) Small
(C) Liquid
(D) Poison✔️
Q.153 Who isolated the virus causing mosaic disease in tobacco in the form of crystals?
(A) Louis Pasteur
(B) Robert Koch
(C) Dr. Stanley ✔️
(D) Mayer
Q.154 Which source has been particularly beneficial for the discovery of novel antitumor agents such as bryostatins and dolostatins?
(A) Marine source ✔️
(B) Animal
(C) Venom and toxin
(D) Combination chemistry
Q.155 From whom is the medicine of quinine obtained?
(A) Cinchona plant ✔️
(B) Money plant
(C) Eucalyptus plant
(D) Aconite plant
Q.156 The virus which has cap seats in it but contains only nucleic acid is called
(A) Virion ✔️
(B) Pterocyst
(C) Nucleus
(D) Prion
Q.157 Which of the following is the causative agent of Polio?
(A) a fungus
(B) a virus ✔️
(C) a worm
(D) a bacteria
Q.158 Ocogene is related to?
(A) Tuberculosis
(B) Jaundice
(C) Cancer ✔️
(D) Typhoid
Q.159 Depending on the intensity and usage, which of the following can cause cancer as well as cure it?
(A) Tobacco
(B) Alcohol
(C) Ionizing radiation
(D) Ultraviolet rays✔️
Q.160 Typhoid and cholera are typical examples of?
(A) Infectious diseases
(B) Air borne diseases
(C) Water borne diseases ✔️
(D) None of the above
Q.161 Who discovered bacteria?
(A) Fleming
(B) Lamble
(C) Temin
(D) Ntan Bhan Leuven Hawke✔️
Q.162 What is Ebola?
(A) Virus ✔️
(B) Bacteria
(C) Protozoa
(D) Fungi
Q.163 Goitre disease is caused due to deficiency of iodine. It can spread in which of the following areas?
(A) Coastal region
(B) Hilly region ✔️
(C) Desert region
(D) None of these
Q.164 Female Culex mosquito is the carrier of which of the following diseases?
(A) Malaria
(B) Filariasis ✔️
(C) Ring-worm or Ringworm
(D) None of these
Q.165 Who discovered the polio vaccine?
(A) Marie Curie
(B) Jonas Salk ✔️
(C) Louis Pasteur
(D) Alexander Fleming
Q.166 Listen to the one which is most different from the other : Smallpox, Measles, Fever, Meningitis
(A) Chicken pox
(B) Measles
(C) Fever
(D) Meningitis✔️
Q.167 Edward Jenner is famous for which of the following contributions?
(A) Vaccine ✔️
(B) Capital punishment by electrocution
(C) Dialysis
(D) Open heart surgery
Q.168 What does “P” refer to in DPT vaccine?
(A) Psoriasis
(B) Pertussis ✔️
(C) Pancolitis
(D) Parkinson’s
Q.169 Zika virus known to cause neurological congenital disorders is spread by?
(A) Rat bite
(B) Mosquito bite ✔️
(C) Snake bite
(D) Monkey bite
Q.170 When the human body temperature is about 2-3.5°F lower than the normal body temperature, the condition is known as?
(A) Fever
(B) Hypothermia ✔️
(C) Hyperthermia
(D) Hyperpyrexia
Q.171 The O-T-C OTC drug Crocin is a…… drug?
(A) Analgesic
(B) Antipyretic
(C) Analgesic and antipyretic ✔️
(D) Antiseptic
Q.172 What is the name of Cattle Disease Surveillance and Forecasting System of India?
(A) Cattle Safety Laboratory
(B) Animal Safety Laboratory
(C) Biosafety Laboratory ✔️
(D) Cattle Monitoring Laboratory
Q.173 Which virus causes smallpox?
(A) West Nile
(B) Varicella ✔️
(C) Herpes sinplex
(D) Rhinovirus
Q.174 Chemotherapy is given for the treatment of which disease?
(A) Heart disease
(B) Kidney failure
(C) Cancer ✔️
(D) Hepatitis C
Q.175 When there is a decrease of about 5.4 – 8°F in the human body temperature from the normal body temperature, the condition is known as…..?
(A) Virus
(B) Hypothermia
(C) Pyretic
(D) Hyperpyrexia✔️
Q.176 In the treatment of which disease dialysis is done?
(A) Cancer
(B) Astigmatism
(C) Kidney failure ✔️
(D) Arthritis
Q.177 Zika (ZIKA) virus causing damage to the brain of ……. Is the vehicle by?
(A) Mosquito ✔️
(B) Water
(C) Air
(D) Food
Q.178 What is Melioidosis?
(A) Skin rash
(B) Loss of memory
(C) Infectious disease ✔️
(D) Chronic joint pain
Q.179 What is AESTIVATION?
(A) Animal sleep ✔️
(B) Death due to lack of food
(C) Water retention
(D) A stage in dreaming
Q.180 Which of the following was the first antibiotic discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928?
(A) Penicillin ✔️
(B) Prontocil
(C) Streptomycin
(D) Tetracillin